Tuesday, 28 January 2020

9AK #1: A class trip on day ONE!

Today the year 9AK class got the chance to visit a few different places where actions and projects were taking place that directly impacted their community.  This was essentially their first ‘real’ day at Tamaki and they went straight into a class trip!
Students were divided into 3 groups and went to the following places: 
  • Auckland City Council in downtown Auckland.
  • Tamaki Regeneration Company in Panmure
  • Ministry of Education in Mt Eden.
The purpose was to give the kids a chance to see projects being done in a wider scale and how these organisations went about planning and implementing a process.  I was blessed with taking a group to Panmure to visit the TRC’s head office.

Reflection:  The feedback from the students was positive and they enjoyed listening to the speakers.  They were shown around the office and introduced to most of the people in the office.  They were invited to ask questions and it was a good opportunity for them to practice speaking to adults in a professional organisation.  As I did not know all of the kids well, it was a good chance for me also to observe who the confident students were and those who were quieter in the group.  

Intervention COL inquiry #7A: Using the SQ3R Model

 In our learning, we used the SQ3R model to help guide students through their reading.  I have taught the specific model before and today I ...