Today we were blessed to have Dr Rae Si’ilata and her amazing team lead us through a whole Staff PLD discussing the Tataiako and ways to implement the competencies.
Here are a few notes that I took from the PLD
We started with Dr Rae introducing herself before blessing us with a waiata. We were then asked to consider the following questions:
I felt confident that we have started working towards knowing our mana whenua better and the histories of our community thanks to the Hikoi our staff went on last year.
The other 3 questions were really interesting to answer and our group identified the need to make a more concerted purposeful effort to achieve the answers to the questions. Below is a favourite whakatauki that Dr Rae shared.
I will not be lost, I am a seed descended from Rangiātea.
The activity below asked us to identify and match what the competency was, a definition and an example.
A member of the Va'atele team is Kyla Hansell, an 'old girl' of our cluster who taught at Tamaki Primary for a number of years returned to share how she supported the Māori students of her class in 2017. Below are some of the images she shared and discussed.
I felt so inspired after the presentation and am excited to now venture into how to apply the competencies into my own teaching space.