Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Manaiakalani Create Staff Meeting: Using MIRO for integration and collaboration

This week my colleagues Christine David, Mele Suipi-Latu and I, presented a workshop on how to collaborate and create integrated lessons using the MIRO online whiteboard platform.  One of my team Christine shared how her daughter used MIRO at university and from there we saw how it could be used effectively as a tool for online collaboration between ourselves as teachers and our students.

For our presentation, we centred around a maths text and shared the benefits of MIRO in allowing users to see the big picture.  Here is the powerpoint we used.
For the create part of our presentation, everyone got into groups and shared a text or resource that they could collaborate over using MIRO.  My team and I spent the rest of the workshop helping groups with their collaborations.

After the session, I sent out a quick survey out to those who attended for their feedback.
  • What did you think of the MIRO workshop?
  • Would you use MIRO for collaboration between teachers?

  • If yes, how would use it for collaborating between teachers?
  • Would you use MIRO in the classroom as a tool for students to collaborate with?
  • If yes, how and why? Would you recommend this tool 
I enjoyed presenting and supporting teachers with MIRO.  I can honestly say after trying out the MIRO for my own use, it has changed my life.  It is my go to platform now where everything I plan and can collaborate on is easily accessible.  

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