Here are a few writing strategies that I want to use to support writing for my seniors.
1st Strategy: Reading aloud and guided vocabulary activities
Reading and writing go hand in hand. For the level 2 exams, students are required to read and interpret a number of different sources to show their understanding by applying findings to the questions. I want to try a predictive reading strategy with the class to help them deep dive into understanding the reading and draw from the reading the key concepts and vocab needed to understand the text. This in turn should reinforce the focus on understanding key words to make meaning.
2nd Strategy: Visuals and word counts matter
A study called ‘Write that Essay’ found that students’ responded to knowing how many words, sentences, paragraphs etc they needed to write to help guide them. I found this useful in the past and I wanted to ensure students knew exactly how many words they needed per paragraph and how this would look.
3rd Strategy: SOLO taxonomy Hexagons to encourage critical thinking
One of the activities I like doing is the Hexagon activity where students have done some prior-learning about a topic and then are encouraged to make connections that are relevant to the topic. I want to utilise SOLO taxonomy framework more purposefully in class to encourage the learning.