Today we presented our inquiries to our staff to take stock of where we were at.
My inquiry:
Can understanding PAT testing better support our year 9 readers.
Do I kids know their learning and can they articulate it?
Gathered Evidence through survey’s and PAT’s.
Scanned using my own teacher judgement and discussions with some of the other teachers of these classes.
Created hypothesis about my own teaching eg. If I really unpacked the PAT tests and understood the gaps, I can help my learners. If they could understand the tests, they will know why they are important.
Research suggests a whole lot of things eg. like creating communities of readers and a school with a culture of reading. I remember we did Accelerated readers and we used once a day pick up a box in here with a class set of different books for students to read because research showed that if they read for a least 20 mins a day, that would accelerate their literacy rate. What are we doing now?
Research in a secondary school found Huntly College
Vision Huntly College is associated with reading; leaders are readers
Mission Working together to support staff and the student leaders to promote and inspire Huntly College students to read for pleasure and wellbeing
I’m interested in finding out what is our current reading culture at Tamaki, do we need a refresh and what becomes of our school library and reading programmes now that our lovely Librarian Ebenezer is gone.
NEXT STAGES we are currently looking at is our Plan stages:
Identifying key gaps and using the data more effectively to create strategies to shift achievement
Draft unit plan for ESOL here
Create a teaching template fit for Sos using the Literacy matrix for reading around the 3 Big Ideas:
Make sense of written text
Read critically
Read for different purposes
Working with Graeme Ball who is our NCEA facilitator
Steps Web programme with Mary-Ann
Working with the Level Up team to support a school wide approach to literacy and numeracy
Survey of students ‘what are you reading?’
Survey of staff
Intervention: Trying these strategies
An inquiry into building a culture of reading at Huntly College
Hands up if in the last week you have read a book (non-fiction, fiction). Did you know that research shows that if teachers read and share a love of reading so we should take into account reading role model
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