In my last blogpost, I talked about an article I had read that said “The engagement of young people when they learn about Māori history through a Māori context and worldview is a lot more powerful than learning history that's really disconnected with any cultural identity that you know, New Zealanders have and particularly Māori and Pacific students”.
After getting to know my learners for the last 4 weeks, I can see the challenges of our tauira trying to learn about our local Maori history when it is so diverse and fluid. We as a school are also just at the starting point when it comes to developing a sound understanding of our local histories especially as we working closely with Mana Whenua and our Matua Harley who is new to our Tamaki whanau.
I am rethinking my inquiry and would like to see if I can build engagement in understanding our local and national history through a Maori/Pasifika lens and whether this will create a motivation to want to learn better and achieve success. Because of my work around the Tapasā, I am going to use the strategies and tools from the document to frame my inquiry around.
The Tapasā Pasifika Success compass puts the Pasifika learner, their parents, families and communities at the centre of the model and they are surrounded by 9 values: Love, belonging, family, respect, service, inclusion, reciprocal relationships, spirituality, leadership.
I have some wonderings:
- What do these values look like in practice?
- What do or can they look like in my classroom?
- Do kids feel like they belong in my classroom?
- Can I ‘see’ the kids which don’t feel like they belong and how can I respond?
I know I need to define what a Pasifika lens is, essentially how our tauira see the world.
The value that really resonates with me is belonging.
Where do our tauira feel they belong and if they knew, would they be present and engaged?
I want to explore an inquiry now:
How can I create a sense of belonging for our taiura so that would be present and engaged in their learning?
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