Tuesday, 17 May 2022

T.C Staff PLD: Accord Teacher’s only day

In preparation for the NCEA refresh, school’s have been allocated Accord Teacher only day.  We had our first one for the year on 16th May.  There were 3 areas of focus:  

  • UDL Design
  • Literacy and Numeracy
  • Local Curriculum design

We divided our day into 3 parts.

Our first session focused on Literacy and Numeracy.  We looked at the overview of changes being offered and how it can be strengthened within our school.  We also revisited our thoughts around preparing for the online common assessment task that is coming next year and ways we can contribute to getting our kids ready. 

Our next session looked at how we could design and review a course outline with UDL design lense.  We actually spent much of time talking about how we can get to know our ākonga better and what practices we could use to do this.  

For our last session, we looked at developing a local curriculum.  I invited Matua Harley and Whaea Ruiha to come and share their insights about how we provide an accurate meaningful and relevant local curriculum in our subject.  Matua started by explaining the Maori place names relevant in our area and how as soon as these names were given European names ‘they became markers in time’.  He shared how the original state houses for soldiers called the ‘fencibles’ and that these were the first of their kind in N.Z.  An important point he made was that there are at least 3 - 5 different iwi in our area and all have different narratives and work differently.  On reflection, this brings a new challenge for us as a department, who are trying also to prepare for the new Aotearoa Histories curriculum.

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Intervention COL inquiry #7A: Using the SQ3R Model

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