Friday, 3 February 2017

Day 1: Where did it go? Wed 1st Feb (late post)

Day one of school has gone - blinked and missed it!

My to do list that I sorted last night at 11pm was:

  • Complete new year 9 welcome letter for the dean and SLT (check - well received)
  • Book car in for damage repair (check - 2 weeks from Tuesday)
  • Check on new departments members to see if they're ok (both have not quit, tyj)
  • Sort out furniture from departed MDTA Geo teacher Caleb to new room
  • Put posters up in my room (interior decorator needed)
  • pay late tax returns re IRD
  • book English resource room for meetings without the HOD's knowledge (yes!)
The staffroom can be deceptive at times.  If you sit on the couches, you invite the odd wanderer who wants to share their woes and life stories, sometimes jumping you when you least expect it, trapping you with their spell - it's like you don't want to look but you can't help but stare!  Other times, you can find a corner for whole day, that warns ppl out 'leave me the alone, I have stuff to do!' and no one bothers you.  To me, I feel a sense of connection when I'm there, with people of all types and their busi-ness, their sense of duty or un-duty to the slackers.   I feel part of the big picture, the big vision that our staff want to be a part of but that we sometimes mask itwith busi-ness and excuses.

I pretty much smiled at everyone I saw today, I couldn't help it.  I knew there was a feeling of apprehension, the smell of excitement and getting on with the job.  Today me and another colleague debated, deliberated, de-constructed and defamed every thought that we had to do with the our inquiries and our purpose at the school in the staffroom - we even missed interval, we were so in to it!!  Sometimes, we got lost in the momentum that time flies...but hey that's school life!

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