- Resilient students are those who come from the bottom socio-economic quartile but who's ability to perform at or above level 3 goes up over 2 years... (PISA report).
Building Evaluate Capacity.
We need to evaluate through the success of the learner the effectiveness of my teaching and learning from what I did. BUT it's not just enough for us to be the better teaching/learner, the kids need to say this. (figurative kids not cleaning their beds - we do it all for our kids).
We are the lighthouse inquirers in our schools for whom it rubs off on other people. An influencer and my evaluation of my inquiry on the delivery of the children. Its about kids being metacognitive.
In the past, teachers didn't evaluate themselves by the success of the children. If it's not for the child, whose it's for? It's about value-added.
Teaching IS an intervention - it's what we do everyday. Alan Peachy said 'Great teachers make children learn'. At the least we need to challenge them.
What do we need to do in term 3?
We need to deliver the curriculum really well. Make sure it's visible. We won't be getting the crank up that we need. If it's not visible it won't crank up as much as it should be. We need high expectations.
We can make language exciting - don't need multiple themes, JUST a really good one. It could last a week or more. Language programs can be fun.
Our kids speak 'GI cheechee'- combo of broken English and broken P.I language.
Need to see my kids at least twice a week frequency. Work out cycle rate because it matters (you won't get the acceleration). In the instructional moments, we need to put in the language moments.
We need to think about speaking the language of success eg. "I go toilet"
We need to be aware of when they are speaking to us and each other to subtly address it.
Plan how we are going to grow/revisit/maintain the language & concepts. Eg. I need to remind kids of the language and need to say it back to the teacher. We need to build it into our planning.
THOUGHT: My next action is to encourage kids standing up and being confident presenters
- Link the language and concepts to the known environment as the place to extend knowledge and understanding - the richness that we have (Home fires).
- The Stop sign story - what's your legacy?
- We need to provide the formula or the template - gifting them the shape of what you know of. The origins of lots of formal language is formulaic. Following the formula.
Teaching the kids when they greet a guest. Ask people about themselves & you need 3 questions.
Spoken language is like a song - lyrical.
Goal: Record a lesson of mine, listen to the conversations the kids have and listen to myself.
Publishing is one of the things that lifted performance.
Kids need to post twice a week to accelerate.