During one of our staff meetings, our DP Russell shared the highlights from our recent PAT tests. held in the junior school.
One of the highlights was that the juniors were extremely well behaved and took the tests seriously. Getting them to that point took lots of organising and preparation because in the past, their poor results were a reflection of the students' negative attitudes towards the testing.
A key message that was shared from Woolf Fisher was that support was needed in reading for year 8 students heading into year 9. What would that support look like? And how can we at the college better collaborate with teachers or educators at year 8 to enable this support. (I also wondered if I could use this as a reason to justify the need for my inquiry)
A new term that I've learnt is 'High Level Practice'. I want to look at how I can incorporate the 5 HLP's into my inquiry so I can explore whether they would work within my project based class.
After reading through the powerpoint, I also decided to have a look back at the 'Manaiakalani Data Sense making shared document' to see what strategies and suggestions were discussed when Woolf Fisher had shared their data findings earlier in the year.
One of the suggestions was to 'Identify teachers who had high shift, find out what made the shift'. This will be on my 'to do' list. I liked reading about what worked at our different primary schools and I wondered if there was one that they (or most of them) used that worked. I'm also interested in how to have regular interrogations of the data. I think my next steps would be to figure out what's on top with regards to managing my inquiry.
I really like how you're referring to incorporating the 5 HLP's into your inquiry to explore whether they would work within your project based class. I believe that it would give some sort of gage or measure to use as a benchmark for data at the beginning and throughout the inquiry process, if that indeed, is part of the intention.