I’ve had a really chilled 2 week holiday and although I have enjoyed the time with my bubble, I was really looking forward to reconnecting with my students.
My First Department meeting
Our holiday was cut a little short when we had a department meeting Easter Tuesday to help us prepare for the term. After a productive start, I thought it would be cool to record a short fun video for our students from us. Of course we didn’t take into account turning mikes off and the video lagging and as it was still a new thing to do, we ended up making a classic bloopers video to show our grandkids!
Teaching online highlights
Wednesday the 15th April was our first official day back and I started the day periods 1 & 2 with my 9’s in a double period, 9KMe. We had 20 students on at one stage which was great. My non-contact periods 3 & 4 were spent supporting a member of my team in sorting out his calendar issues and then I popped into 4 other classes who were all in a hangout with at least one student. It was really cool to see my team interacting with their kids. Period 5, I had year 13’s and 17 students showed up in the hangout which was awesome. I finished the day checking in on a year 10 class Sos which had about 4 students in it. We talked about how the'd been whilst on holiday in their bubbles. They were excited to be talking to their classmates in the hangout.
Thursday saw more meetings and my double year 13’s. I actually bought a whiteboard before the lockdown and used it to keep our learning goals in view behind me for kids to refer to when needed. Because the 13's were working independently on a number of different social issues, we decided to stagger when they would attend class to 20 minute slots. I put it into the chat and allowed students to jump in and out of the hangout when they needed to. Friday was much the same. It was a full on week and by the end of it, I was really happy with how much our kids and staff had connected with each other. I felt really positive and pretty exhausted!
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